
It's Super Bowl Sunday

If you know me, you know I only care about two sports...  NASCAR because it's awesome and everything about that sport is mega exhilarating.  If you're already judging because of my "hick" ways, go to a race and if you still don't like it then you can judge away!  And I have lots of love for watching baseball in the stadium.  Hot guys in baseball pants and it's not frowned upon to "day-drink" - what more could you ask for?!?
Okay so getting back to today, Super Bowl Sunday...  As you probably guessed I won't be watching.  I'm not into football.  Never have, never will - It's just "meh" to me.  Don't get me wrong if I had a roommate that wanted to watch it, I may watch it for a few moments. 
But I won't waste my time watching something I don't fully understand. It's kinda like tennis, I don't understand the scoring so I don't watch.  I think football players and tennis players are amazing athletes, it just doesn't hold my interest.  I watched "The Blind Side" once, that's as close as I ever come to understanding football :/  I know, I'm sad...
Photo credit: someecards

Hope you all have a safe and memorable Super Bowl Sunday.  I will be going on my weekly errands run at 7pm and enjoying the peace and quite while I shop.  I'm not sure who's playing this year, but if you routing for a specific team - I hope they win!
Thanks for reading!

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