
Food Memories

Isn't it funny how a food can transport you to a different time and place?...  Kinda like your grandmother's perfume or your mom's Turkey and Stuffing. 

Well I have lots of "food" memories in my life.  This particular memory has to do with Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.  Specifically the spirals, those ones just taste better!

I don't eat this meal too often anymore, but when I do I am instantly transported to summer time while I was still in high school.  My friend, Erin, and I would get together and eat Mac & Cheese and watch Days of our Lives together in the summertime. 

We would even gossip-talk about all the drama in "Days" while all of our friends looked at us like were getting a little too cray-cray!  Damn you, Stefano <- he was the root of all evil!

So even today, when I eat some delicious Mac & Cheese I always want to hang out with my pal and watch a little bit of Days...  So many fun memories. 

Fun Fact:  I still watch Days of our Lives a few times a year, and every time I do I try to make my staple meal...  ;)


  1. Anonymous25.8.14

    Lord help me if I got the regular mac and cheese instead of the spirals!!! aka. Mom

    1. I taught you well, mother....
